Southern Horrors

By Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Study, understand, and note classic literature online.

Helps students work on Southern Horrors, I; it's not only for generic leisure reading, but designed to accumulate new words and phrases, as well as study language and culture. You can note new words or any items by chapters, print notes after your finishing the task. The app integrates with modern IT, like sync to cloud, share notes among various devices, lookup online, and etc.
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User Tips:
  1. In most cases, the notes are for unknown words and phrases, but you can add any types of items. "Word" is a key to refer your notes.
  2. The notes are organized by chapters.It means you had better keep "Word" unique in same chapter.
  3. Add / Update notes is by note panel that can be opened through multiple ways.When adding a "Word", the "Word" field cannot be empty; when updating, if you clean the "Word" field, the current note will be removed.
  4. You can delete a note by either icon in note list or button in note panel.
  5. By default, double click a word will bring up a note panel showing unless the word is too easy, which is masked intentionally, like "the", "see", etc.However, you can manually add any words or items.
  6. Online look up feature is powered by Wordnik, you can edit or modify its result on demand.
  7. All notes are saved in your own devices.You can sync them to cloud as backup.Besides, you can download from cloud to other devices to share notes.
  8. Last but not least, you can merge all notes of the book, view and print them.


Dear Miss Wells:

Let me give you thanks for your faithful paper on the lynch abomination now generally practiced against colored people in the South. There has been no word equal to it in convincing power. I have spoken, but my word is feeble in comparison. You give us what you know and testify from actual knowledge. You have dealt with the facts with cool, painstaking fidelity and left those naked and uncontradicted facts to speak for themselves.

Brave woman! you have done your people and mine a service which can neither be weighed nor measured. If American conscience were only half alive, if the American church and clergy were only half christianized, if American moral sensibility were not hardened by persistent infliction of outrage and crime against colored people, a scream of horror, shame and indignation would rise to Heaven wherever your pamphlet shall be read.

But alas! even crime has power to reproduce itself and create conditions favorable to its own existence. It sometimes seems we are deserted by earth and Heaven yet we must still think, speak and work, and trust in the power of a merciful God for final deliverance.

Very truly and gratefully yours,


Cedar Hill, Anacostia, D.C., Oct. 25, 1892

 Notes of the Chapter