expertise n. specialized knowledge; expert skill |
expropriate v. take possession of; transfer another's property to oneself |
extirpate v. root out; eradicate, literally or figuratively; destroy wholly |
exultant a. inclined to exult; characterized by, or expressing, exultation; rejoicing triumphantly |
facile a. done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; ready or fluent |
facilitate v. help bring about; make less difficult |
fahrenheit a. of or relating to a temperature scale proposed by the inventor of the mercury thermometer |
famished a. extremely hungry; exhausted through want of food or drink |
fanfare n. loud flourish of brass instruments, especially trumpets; spectacular public display |
fastidious a. difficult to please; having complicated requirements; excessively particular demanding about details |
fend v. ward off; make an effort to resist; keep off; prevent from entering |
fertile a. rich; fruitful; inventive; creative; intellectually productive |
filibuster v. block legislation by making long speeches |
flair n. natural talent or aptitude; a special ability for doing something well |
fledgling a. young and inexperienced; having just acquired its flight feathers |
forage v. hunt for; search; the act of searching for food |
foray n. assault; an initial attempt; a sudden short attack |
forbearance n. patience; restraint of passions; act of forbearing or waiting |
foreclose v. keep from happening or arising; make impossible |
forehead n. the part of the face above the eyes |
formation n. a structure or arrangement of something; pattern |
fortify v. make strong or stronger; prepare oneself for a military confrontation |
foster v. rear; promote the growth of; help develop |
frank a. honest; sincere; open and sincere in expression; straightforward |
frenetic a. excessively agitated; transported with rage or other violent emotion |
frenzied a. madly excited; in state of hurry, panic or wild activity |
frostbitten a. injured by freezing or partial freezing |
furious a. extreme anger; raging; full of activity; energetic or rapid |
furnish v. provide; supply; equip with what is needed, especially to provide furniture for |
gadfly n. any of various flies, that bite or annoy livestock and other animals; irritating person |
gaunt a. very thin, especially from disease or hunger or cold; barren |
generation n. all offspring at same stage from common ancestor; interval of time between the birth of parents and their offspring |
geriatrics n. the branch of medical science that deals with diseases and problems specific to old people |
gesture n. motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling |
ghastly a. horrible; inspiring shock; extremely unpleasant or bad |
gingerly ad. with great care or delicacy; cautiously |
glossy a. smooth and shining; reflecting luster from smooth or polished surface; plausible |
glut v. fill beyond capacity, especially with food; swallow greedlly |
gnarled a. twisted; knotty; made rough by age or hard work |
govern v. make and administer the public policy and affairs of |
granite n. common, coarse-grained, light-colored, hard igneous rock consisting chiefly of quartz; unyielding endurance |
graze v. scrape gently; feed on growing grasses and herbage |
grimace n. facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust |
gullible a. easily deceived or cheated; easily tricked because of being too trusting |
haggard a. wasted away; showing wearing effects of overwork or suffering |
hallowed a. associated with a divine power; made holy; worthy of religious veneration |
handsome a. skillful; handy; agreeable to the eye or to correct taste; having a pleasing appearance; attractive |
handwriting n. the activity of writing by hand; something written by hand |
haphazard a. not thorough, constant or consistent; by chance |
harangue n. noisy speech; speech or piece of writing with strong feeling or expression |
harassment n. feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented; worry; annoyance; anxiety. |
haughty a. high; lofty; bold; arrogant; overbearing |
haunt v. be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place; bother; disturb |
headquarter n. main office of large organization |
heed v. pay attention to; listen to and consider |
hoodwink v. deceive; take in by deceptive means; delude |
humanity n. kindness; virtue; all of the inhabitants of the earth |
hunger n. strong desire for something; feel the need to eat |
hypochondriac n. patient with imaginary symptoms and ailments; one who is morbidly anxious about his health, and generally depressed |
ignominious a. deserving or bringing disgrace or shame, used of conduct or character |
impassable a. not able to be traveled or crossed |
impel v. drive or force onward; drive forward; urge to action through moral pressure |