Nowadays, people believe that governments should invest taxpayers' money in healthcare, others believe that money should be used in other areas. Discuss both points.

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 IELTS Academic Essay Answers - #7140
Nowadays, people believe that governments should invest taxpayers’ money in healthcare, while others believe that money should be used in other areas. Discuss both points of view and give your opinion.
Answer Hints:
The essay should have three parts: both sides of the argument and a personal perspective. You may take the objection side to write more easily.

  • Healthcare is an essential public service for all members of society.
  • A good health level contributes to a healthier workforce and better economic development.
  • Government investment in healthcare ensures that vulnerable members receive the necessary medical services.
  • Government funds should be invested in areas for the country's long-term prosperity, such as education.
  • The government should do more to push economic growth in addition to healthcare.
  • Investing in modern infrastructure to build new communities.
  • Investing in science and technology to explore the future world.
Answer 1
In recent years, the allocation of taxpayers' money by governments has become a widely debated topic...

On the one hand, proponents of investing in healthcare argue that it is an essential public service that directly impacts the well-being of the population...

On the other hand, those who believe that government funds should be invested in other areas argue that different sectors are equally, if not more, necessary for the country's long-term prosperity...

In my opinion, while healthcare is undeniably important, governments should aim to strike a balance between different sectors...

In conclusion, healthcare and other sectors such as education, infrastructure, and technology play significant roles in a nation's development...
Band: 7
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Word Statistics
GroupWord NumberDistinctPercent
All Words43020046%
Top 300 Words167 (38%)48 (24%)28%
300 - 1000 Words78 (18%)46 (23%)58%
Over 1000 Words185 (43%)106 (53%)57%
Other Comments (jianguotran)
Link Words: 33 (including link phrase: 5)
Sentences: Number: 21; Average Length: 140 characters; Words/Sentence: 20
IELTS Essay Format:
-The essay is too long, try to shrink it.
-You should avoid using common words repeatedly, and show your grammatical range and accuracy as possible. The essay has and(14), that(12), healthcare(11), should(8), for(7), other(6), education(6); try to decrease duplicated words.
-Suggest using a few rare or uncommon words to demonstrate your vocabulary range and level.