Some students choose to travel after leaving school and before going to university. Many people, however, say that working experience is more useful than travel.

IELTS Writing Task 2 (Essay): Hints and Sample Answers Let me try to write.
 IELTS General Essay Answers - #7139
Some students choose to travel after leaving school and before going to university. Many people, however, say that working experience is more useful in adult life than travel. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Answer Hints:
You may choose to agree or disagree with the statement. In general, it is easier to write to support working experience.

  • Work experience provides students with practical skills.
  • Work experience builds personal abilities like communication, teamwork, and time management.
  • Get deep information to make more informed decisions about future careers.
  • Get new experiences in various areas and cultures.
  • Learn new languages.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of places interested.
  • Widen a broader perspective for future studies and careers.
Answer 1
In recent years, it has become increasingly popular for students to take a gap year to travel before pursuing higher education...

Firstly, work experience provides students with practical skills that are directly transferable to their future careers...

Moreover, work experience can help students make more informed decisions about their future careers...

That being said, I do acknowledge the benefits of taking a gap year to travel. Traveling can help students build self-confidence, learn new languages, and develop a deeper understanding of the world...

In conclusion, while travel can be a valuable experience for personal growth, work experience provides practical skills and insights that are more useful in adult life; for students who are focused on their future careers, gaining work experience before university is likely to offer more immediate and long-term benefits...
Band: 7
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Word Statistics
GroupWord NumberDistinctPercent
All Words35216045%
Top 300 Words163 (46%)56 (35%)34%
300 - 1000 Words76 (21%)33 (20%)43%
Over 1000 Words113 (32%)71 (44%)62%
Other Comments (jianguotran)
Link Words: 22 (including link phrase: 1)
Sentences: Number: 15; Average Length: 150 characters; Words/Sentence: 23
IELTS Essay Format:
-The essay is too long, try to shrink it.
-You should avoid using common words repeatedly, and show your grammatical range and accuracy as possible. The essay has and(11), work(10), students(9), experience(9), for(8), can(8), that(7); try to decrease duplicated words.
-High-ratio basic sight words may degrade your writing; suggest rephrasing some.
-Suggest using a few rare or uncommon words to demonstrate your vocabulary range and level.