1 I cannot let you go, for, in addition to my honour having become involved, it behoves me to show my people how the regular, the organised, administration of an estate may be conducted.
2 As regards the internal administration and what Andrey Ivanovich in his letter calls "little peccadilloes," I have nothing to say.
3 A paternal administration, chosen from among yourselves, will form your municipality or city government.
4 His means increased rapidly; serfs from neighboring estates came to beg him to buy them, and long after his death the memory of his administration was devoutly preserved among the serfs.
5 He was subjected to certain police supervision, and, as he could find work nowhere, the administration employed him at reduced rates as a road-mender on the cross-road from Gagny to Lagny.
Les Misérables 2 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 2: CHAPTER II—IN WHICH THE READER WILL PERUSE TWO VERSES, WH... 6 This cemetery, with its peculiarities outside the regulations, embarrassed the symmetry of the administration.
Les Misérables 2 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 8: CHAPTER V—IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO BE DRUNK IN ORDER TO BE ... 7 Javert dried the fresh ink on the paper, folded it like a letter, sealed it, wrote on the back: Note for the administration, left it on the table, and quitted the post.
8 I will not deny, that if we look back as far as history will direct us, towards the original of commonwealths, we shall generally find them under the government and administration of one man.
9 The debates wandered over the whole policy of the administration and the general question of slavery, without touching very closely the specific merits of the measure in hand.
10 Then the national election took place; and the administration, with a vote of renewed confidence from the country, addressed itself to the matter more seriously.
11 Misuse of public funds, waste and corruption had reached such proportions during his administration that the edifice was toppling of its own weight.
12 We can't have perfection; and if I keep him, I must sustain his administration as a whole, even if there are, now and then, things that are exceptionable.
13 The forcible administration of poison is by no means a new thing in criminal annals.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART II: CHAPTER VII. THE CONCLUSION 14 Was Under-Secretary for the colonies in a late administration.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In X. THE ADVENTURE OF THE NOBLE BACHELOR 15 The administration of mutton instead of medicine, the substitution of Tea for Joe, and the baker for bacon, were among the mildest of my own mistakes.