Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need

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 IELTS General Essay Answers - #4002
Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with?
Answer 1
Advertisements usually push people to consume goods or services that are not of necessity. It's a common sense...

There are compelling reasons why advertisements encourage people to own unneeded items. First, multinational corporations create meticulously crafted ads to entice consumers to purchase their products...

However, there are some merits of ads. The primary advantage to consumers is the awareness of new products...

To conclude, I firmly believe that advertising lures us to buy unwanted items through meticulously crafted ads and an influx of campaigns across various channels...
Band: 7.5
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Word Statistics
GroupWord NumberDistinctPercent
All Words27416058%
Top 300 Words116 (42%)51 (31%)43%
300 - 1000 Words36 (13%)28 (17%)77%
Over 1000 Words122 (44%)81 (50%)66%
Other Comments (iemanpranam)
Link Words: 17 (including link phrase: 1)
Sentences: Number: 19; Average Length: 98 characters; Words/Sentence: 14
IELTS Essay Format:
-High-ratio basic sight words may degrade your writing; suggest rephrasing some.
-Suggest using a few rare or uncommon words to demonstrate your vocabulary range and level.
Answer 2
Advertisements have a significant influence on consumers' choices. I do agree that it serves the purpose of enticing people to buy items that are not essential and, at the same time, to introduce modern products that suggest we need to live an easy life...

Commercials more often cut the shows on the media we are watching. Airing them for a short period can entice viewers to try a particular product...

Another purpose of an advertisement is to introduce new products that show benefits to our lives. For example, are the appliances that we can use to make house chores more straightforward for us...

Therefore, I conclude that these advertisements significantly impact consumers' decision-making on where to spend their money...
Band: 7
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