Today, more people are overweight than ever before

IELTS Writing Task 2 (Essay): Hints and Sample Answers Let me try to write.
 IELTS General Essay Answers - #4026
Today, more people are overweight than ever before. In your opinion, what are the primary causes of this? What measures to overcome this epidemic?
Answer 1
Being overweight is a complex health issue influenced by a multitude of factors, including genetic predisposition, socioeconomic status, lifestyle choices, and environmental influences...

One of the primary causes of overweight is the consumption of energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods that are high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats, such as sugary beverages and fast food...

Another contributing factor to overweight is sedentary behavior and a lack of physical activity. Modern lifestyles characterized by long hours spent sitting at desks, commuting in cars, and engaging in screen-based entertainment have led to a decline in physical activity levels...

Addressing overweight requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both individual behaviors and environmental influences...

In conclusion, overweight issues are influenced by a combination of dietary habits, physical activity levels, and environmental factors...
Band: 7
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Answer 2
Nowadays the number of overweight people is constantly increasing. This essay will discuss the main reasons for this epidemic and then describe the possible effects of the problem...

In my opinion, the foremost causes of obesity are inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Today, more and more people rely on cars instead of walking, have fewer physical demands at work, and prefer idle leisure activities...

The possible effects of this problem include physical health problems and loss of productivity. First of all, obesity results in incorrect functioning of the human body and contributes to the risk of developing some chronic illnesses...

To sum up, obesity is a big problem that affects a lot of people nowadays. Inactive lifestyles and eating disorders result in severe health problems, and loss of productivity mainly causes it...
Band: 5.5
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Word Statistics
GroupWord NumberDistinctPercent
All Words25113955%
Top 300 Words111 (44%)45 (32%)40%
300 - 1000 Words53 (21%)28 (20%)52%
Over 1000 Words87 (34%)66 (47%)75%
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Link Words: 16 (including link phrase: 0)
Sentences: Number: 15; Average Length: 105 characters; Words/Sentence: 16
IELTS Essay Format:
-The introduction isn't strong enough, try to enhance it.
-High-ratio basic sight words may degrade your writing; suggest rephrasing some.
-Suggest using a few rare or uncommon words to demonstrate your vocabulary range and level.
The essay isn't on the question 'What measures to overcome this epidemic'.