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(khuyến khích) something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward

Spelling Word: incentive
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(nhà báo) writer for newspapers and magazines

Spelling Word: journalist
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(nghĩa) with meaning; word for word; letter by letter

Spelling Word: literally
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(sang trọng) something that is an indulgence rather than necessity; excessively expensive

Spelling Word: luxury
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(ngạc nhiên) wonder; strong surprise; astonishment

Spelling Word: marvel
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(tối thiểu) the fewest; the least possible

Spelling Word: minimal
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(ám ảnh) compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion

Spelling Word: obsession
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(bảo tồn) uphold; retain; maintain in safety from injury, peril, or harm

Spelling Word: preserve
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(mồi) target of a hunt; animal hunted or caught for food

Spelling Word: prey
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(đặc quyền) special advantage or benefit not enjoyed by all; right reserved exclusively

Spelling Word: privilege