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(солевой) salty; containing salt; of or relating to chemical salts

Spelling Word: saline
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(сегмента) sector; portion; any of the parts into which something can be divided

Spelling Word: segment
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(шок) unpleasant or disappointing surprise; surprise greatly; effect of such a collision or blow

Spelling Word: shock
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(сложные) wide-ranging knowledge; complex; intellectually appealing

Spelling Word: sophisticated
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(сувенир) token of remembrance; memento; something of sentimental value

Spelling Word: souvenir
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(деформация) group of organisms within a species; tension; pressure

Spelling Word: strain
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(шага) step; pace; significant progress

Spelling Word: stride
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(подводных) submersible warship; move forward or under in a sliding motion; underwater

Spelling Word: submarine
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(якобы) seemingly; believed or reputed to be the case

Spelling Word: supposedly
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(глотать) take back what one has said ; enclose or envelop completely

Spelling Word: swallow