1 It is a mercy that we have found out his strength and his danger in good time.
2 She have yet no life taken, though that is of time; and to act now would be to take danger from her for ever.
3 It has always been at night-time that I have been molested or threatened, or in some way in danger or in fear.
4 I have clues which we can follow; but it is a long task, and a difficult, and there is danger in it, and pain.
5 For my own part, now that his horrible danger is not face to face with us, it seems almost impossible to believe in it.
6 His face fell, and I could see a warning of danger in it, for there was a sudden fierce, sidelong look which meant killing.
7 For my own part, I thought that if Mrs. Harker realised the danger herself, it was much pain as well as much danger averted.
8 It may be ordained that we have many nights and days to follow, if full of peril; but we must go on, and from no danger shall we shrink.
9 There are some who look with dread on such a possibility, lest later on it should in itself become a danger, for it is evidently a fierce brute.
10 We are men and are able to bear; but you must be our star and our hope, and we shall act all the more free that you are not in the danger, such as we are.
11 The wind had by this time backed to the east, and there was a shudder amongst the watchers on the cliff as they realized the terrible danger in which she now was.
12 The foolhardiness or ignorance of her officers was a prolific theme for comment whilst she remained in sight, and efforts were made to signal her to reduce sail in face of her danger.
13 He was beaten, and when all hope of success was lost, and his existence in danger, he fled back over the sea to his home; just as formerly he had fled back over the Danube from Turkey Land.
14 Van Helsing examines, he tells me, her teeth very carefully, whilst she is in the hypnotic condition, for he says that so long as they do not begin to sharpen there is no active danger of a change in her.
15 I should have felt terrible fear at seeing Jonathan in such danger, but that the ardour of battle must have been upon me as well as the rest of them; I felt no fear, but only a wild, surging desire to do something.
16 Once or twice its service was most effective, as when a fishing-boat, with gunwale under water, rushed into the harbour, able, by the guidance of the sheltering light, to avoid the danger of dashing against the piers.
17 True to our promise, we told Mrs. Harker everything which had passed; and although she grew snowy white at times when danger had seemed to threaten her husband, and red at others when his devotion to her was manifested, she listened bravely and with calmness.
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