EMILIA in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Othello by William Shakespeare
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 Current Search - Emilia in Othello
1  Enter Desdemona, Emilia and Clown.
Othello By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT III
2  Enter Desdemona, Cassio and Emilia.
Othello By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT III
3  I had forgot thee: O, come in, Emilia.
Othello By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT V
4  Enter Desdemona, Iago, Roderigo, and Emilia.
Othello By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT II
5  Before Emilia here I give thee warrant of thy place.
Othello By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT III
6  Enter Othello, Lodovico, Desdemona, Emilia and Attendants.
Othello By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT IV
7  Prithee, Emilia, Go know of Cassio where he supp'd tonight.
Othello By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT V
8  Therefore, good Emilia, Give me my nightly wearing, and adieu.
Othello By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT IV
9  Emilia, run you to the citadel, And tell my lord and lady what hath happ'd.
Othello By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT V
10  Do not talk to me, Emilia, I cannot weep, nor answer have I none But what should go by water.
Othello By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT IV