1 In his shorts before God and everybody.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 1: Chapter 6 2 Aunty said God drops 'em down the chimney.'
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 14 3 She loved everything that grew in God's earth, even the weeds.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 1: Chapter 5 4 "There goes the meanest man ever God blew breath into," murmured Calpurnia, and she spat meditatively into the yard.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 1: Chapter 1 5 I think maybe he put his gun down when he realized that God had given him an unfair advantage over most living things.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 1: Chapter 10 6 I watched him take his seat on the third row from the front, and I heard him rumble, "Nearer my God to thee," some notes behind the rest of us.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 15 7 Miss Stephanie Crawford said he was so upright he took the word of God as his only law, and we believed her, because Mr. Radley's posture was ramrod straight.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 1: Chapter 1 8 Behind the rough oak pulpit a faded pink silk banner proclaimed God Is Love, the church's only decoration except a rotogravure print of Hunt's The Light of the World.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 12 9 When asked upon what grounds, Judge Taylor said, "Champertous connivance," and declared he hoped to God the litigants were satisfied by each having had their public say.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 16 10 Mindful of John Wesley's strictures on the use of many words in buying and selling, Simon made a pile practicing medicine, but in this pursuit he was unhappy lest he be tempted into doing what he knew was not for the glory of God, as the putting on of gold and costly apparel.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 1: Chapter 1 11 As she raised her hand and swore that the evidence she gave would be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help her God, she seemed somehow fragile-looking, but when she sat facing us in the witness chair she became what she was, a thick-bodied girl accustomed to strenuous labor.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper LeeContext In PART 2: Chapter 18