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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR
2 And the lawyer set out homeward with a very heavy heart.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE
3 Confident as I am that you will not trifle with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles at the bare thought of such a possibility.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER DR. LANYON'S NARRATIVE
4 He sprang to it, and then paused, and laid his hand upon his heart: I could hear his teeth grate with the convulsive action of his jaws; and his face was so ghastly to see that I grew alarmed both for his life and reason.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER DR. LANYON'S NARRATIVE
5 With a transport of glee, I mauled the unresisting body, tasting delight from every blow; and it was not till weariness had begun to succeed, that I was suddenly, in the top fit of my delirium, struck through the heart by a cold thrill of terror.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER HENRY JEKYLL'S FULL STATEMENT OF THE CASE
6 But his love of life is wonderful; I go further: I, who sicken and freeze at the mere thought of him, when I recall the abjection and passion of this attachment, and when I know how he fears my power to cut him off by suicide, I find it in my heart to pity him.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER HENRY JEKYLL'S FULL STATEMENT OF THE CASE
7 I believe you fully; I would trust you before any man alive, ay, before myself, if I could make the choice; but indeed it isn't what you fancy; it is not so bad as that; and just to put your good heart at rest, I will tell you one thing: the moment I choose, I can be rid of Mr. Hyde.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER DR. JEKYLL WAS QUITE AT EASE
8 He went to call indeed; but he was perhaps relieved to be denied admittance; perhaps, in his heart, he preferred to speak with Poole upon the doorstep and surrounded by the air and sounds of the open city, rather than to be admitted into that house of voluntary bondage, and to sit and speak with its inscrutable recluse.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER REMARKABLE INCIDENT OF DR. LANYON