I AM in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Tempest by William Shakespeare
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 Current Search - I am in The Tempest
1  I am more serious than my custom.
The Tempest By William Shakespeare
Context  Highlight   In ACT 2
2  I am in case to justle a constable.
The Tempest By William Shakespeare
Context  Highlight   In ACT 3
3  I am your wife if you will marry me.
The Tempest By William Shakespeare
Context  Highlight   In ACT 3
4  I am a fool To weep at what I am glad of.
The Tempest By William Shakespeare
Context  Highlight   In ACT 3
5  Wit shall not go unrewarded while I am king of this country.
The Tempest By William Shakespeare
Context  Highlight   In ACT 4
6  A single thing, as I am now, that wonders To hear thee speak of Naples.
The Tempest By William Shakespeare
Context  Highlight   In ACT 1
7  You have often Begun to tell me what I am, but stopped And left me to a bootless inquisition, Concluding "Stay."
The Tempest By William Shakespeare
Context  Highlight   In ACT 1
8  Remember First to possess his books, for without them He's but a sot, as I am, nor hath not One spirit to command.
The Tempest By William Shakespeare
Context  Highlight   In ACT 3
9  My father's loss, the weakness which I feel, The wrack of all my friends, nor this man's threats To whom I am subdued, are but light to me, Might I but through my prison once a day Behold this maid.
The Tempest By William Shakespeare
Context  Highlight   In ACT 1
10  How features are abroad I am skilless of, but by my modesty, The jewel in my dower, I would not wish Any companion in the world but you, Nor can imagination form a shape Besides yourself to like of.
The Tempest By William Shakespeare
Context  Highlight   In ACT 3
11  --But howsoe'er you have Been justled from your senses, know for certain That I am Prospero and that very duke Which was thrust forth of Milan, who most strangely Upon this shore, where you were wracked, was landed To be the lord on 't.'
The Tempest By William Shakespeare
Context  Highlight   In ACT 5
12  I have done nothing but in care of thee, Of thee, my dear one, thee, my daughter, who Art ignorant of what thou art, naught knowing Of whence I am, nor that I am more better Than Prospero, master of a full poor cell, And thy no greater father.
The Tempest By William Shakespeare
Context  Highlight   In ACT 1