1 It knocked the wind out of both of us.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 12 2 Darry looked as if he'd like to knock our heads together.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 1 3 Dally had turned around and belted him so hard it knocked a tooth loose.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 2 4 Darry wheeled around and slapped me so hard that it knocked me against the door.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 3 5 Or he used to be bucktoothed before he had the front two knocked out in a fight.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 4 6 Buck answered the door when we knocked, and a roar of cheap music came with him.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 4 7 Some Soc had knocked out one of our bunch and was kicking me as hard as he could.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 9 8 Tim Shepard, who was fighting two at once, accidentally stepped on me, knocking my breath out.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 9 9 "I thought you were in the hospital," I yelled as the Soc knocked me to the ground and I rolled to avoid getting kicked.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 9 10 I thought dizzily that he was going to knock some of my teeth loose or break my nose or something, and I knew I didn't have a chance.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 9 11 While he was prying my fingers loose, Dally knocked him backward, so that all three of us rolled on the ground, gasping, cussing, and punching.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 9 12 I don't know how Dallas could travel so fast and hard after being knocked around and having his sore arm hurt some more, but I tried to keep up with him.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 9 13 But Darry was keeping an eye out for me; he caught that guy by the shoulder and half lifted him up before knocking him three feet with a sledge-hammer blow.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 9 14 The radio's usually going full blast and the TV is turned up loud and people are wrestling and knocking over lamps and tripping over the coffee table and yelling at each other.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 10