MINE in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Lady Chatterley's Lover by D H Lawrence
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 Current Search - Mine in Lady Chatterley's Lover
1  The mines had made the halls wealthy.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
2  But for their good even more than mine.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 13
3  I mean Nero's mine slaves and his field slaves.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 13
4  Tevershall had once been a famous mine, and had made famous money.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 9
5  Under Mrs Bolton's influence, Clifford began to take a new interest in the mines.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 9
6  They don't like these new fangled mines, such a depth, and all machinery to work them.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 9
7  The mines, the industry, had a will of its own, and this will was against the gentleman-owner.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
8  The head-stock and pit-bank of the mine itself were insignificant among the huge new installations.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
9  New mining villages crowded on the park, and the squire felt somehow that the population was alien.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
10  If there were coal under Sandringham, I would open a mine on the lawns, and think it first-rate landscape gardening.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
11  For her fear of the mining and iron Midlands affected her with a queer feeling that went all over her, like influenza.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
12  He really felt, when he had his periods of energy and worked so hard at the question of the mines, as if his sexual potency were returning.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
13  They looked up the shallow valley at the mine, and beyond it, at the black-lidded houses of Tevershall crawling like some serpent up the hill.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 13
14  He even roused himself to go to the mines once more: and when he was there, he went down in a tub, and in a tub he was hauled out into the workings.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 9
15  And beyond these blocks of dwellings, at the back, rose all the astonishing and frightening overhead erections of a really modern mine, chemical works and long galleries, enormous, and of shapes not before known to man.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
16  He began to read again his technical works on the coal-mining industry, he studied the government reports, and he read with care the latest things on mining and the chemistry of coal and of shale which were written in German.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 9
17  And beyond that again, in the wide rolling regions of the castles, smoke waved against steam, and patch after patch of raw reddish brick showed the newer mining settlements, sometimes in the hollows, sometimes gruesomely ugly along the sky-line of the slopes.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
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