1 Napoleon took no interest in Snowball's committees.
2 At last the day came when Snowball's plans were completed.
3 All of them came to look at Snowball's drawings at least once a day.
4 Napoleon snuffed deeply at them and pronounced them to be Snowball's.
5 Within a few weeks Snowball's plans for the windmill were fully worked out.
6 The pellets scored bloody streaks along Snowball's back, and a sheep dropped dead.
7 Napoleon decreed that there should be a full investigation into Snowball's activities.
8 We had thought that Snowball's rebellion was caused simply by his vanity and ambition.
9 One of them all but closed his jaws on Snowball's tail, but Snowball whisked it free just in time.
10 In spite of the shock that Snowball's expulsion had given them, the animals were dismayed by this announcement.
11 Napoleon produced no schemes of his own, but said quietly that Snowball's would come to nothing, and seemed to be biding his time.
12 Until now the animals had been about equally divided in their sympathies, but in a moment Snowball's eloquence had carried them away.
13 And as to the Battle of the Cowshed, I believe the time will come when we shall find that Snowball's part in it was much exaggerated.
14 It was noticed that they were especially liable to break into "Four legs good, two legs bad" at crucial moments in Snowball's speeches.
15 At every few steps Napoleon stopped and snuffed the ground for traces of Snowball's footsteps, which, he said, he could detect by the smell.
16 On the third Sunday after Snowball's expulsion, the animals were somewhat surprised to hear Napoleon announce that the windmill was to be built after all.
17 The birds did not understand Snowball's long words, but they accepted his explanation, and all the humbler animals set to work to learn the new maxim by heart.
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