1 I came suddenly into the theatre from the garden.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER THE LAST NIGHT 2 The steps drew swiftly nearer, and swelled out suddenly louder as they turned the end of the street.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE 3 And hitherto it was his ignorance of Mr. Hyde that had swelled his indignation; now, by a sudden turn, it was his knowledge.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE 4 So far the letter had run composedly enough, but here with a sudden splutter of the pen, the writer's emotion had broken loose.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER THE LAST NIGHT 5 I stretched out my hands, exulting in the freshness of these sensations; and in the act, I was suddenly aware that I had lost in stature.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER HENRY JEKYLL'S FULL STATEMENT OF THE CASE 6 Mr. Hyde appeared to hesitate, and then, as if upon some sudden reflection, fronted about with an air of defiance; and the pair stared at each other pretty fixedly for a few seconds.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE 7 It was worse when it began to be clothed upon with detestable attributes; and out of the shifting, insubstantial mists that had so long baffled his eye, there leaped up the sudden, definite presentment of a fiend.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE 8 I must have stared upon it for near half a minute, sunk as I was in the mere stupidity of wonder, before terror woke up in my breast as sudden and startling as the crash of cymbals; and bounding from my bed, I rushed to the mirror.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER HENRY JEKYLL'S FULL STATEMENT OF THE CASE 9 In the course of his nightly patrols, he had long grown accustomed to the quaint effect with which the footfalls of a single person, while he is still a great way off, suddenly spring out distinct from the vast hum and clatter of the city.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE 10 With a transport of glee, I mauled the unresisting body, tasting delight from every blow; and it was not till weariness had begun to succeed, that I was suddenly, in the top fit of my delirium, struck through the heart by a cold thrill of terror.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER HENRY JEKYLL'S FULL STATEMENT OF THE CASE