1 When we have breakfast, then I answer all questions.
2 For answer he put his finger on his lips and turned away.
3 Lucy did not answer, and I ran on to the entrance of the churchyard.
4 His call seemed to be answered from far and wide by the howling of wolves.
5 But my flesh answered the pinching test, and my eyes were not to be deceived.
6 After a while, finding no response, I knocked and rang again; still no answer.
7 I called them, but got no answer, so I went to the dining-room to look for them.
8 Do not answer this, as I shall take it that, if I do not hear, you will come to breakfast.
9 For answer, all four men of our party threw themselves from their horses and dashed towards the cart.
10 The blush that rose to my own cheeks somehow set us both at ease, for it was a tacit answer to her own.
11 This could not be true, because up to then he had understood it perfectly; at least, he answered my questions exactly as if he did.
12 He did not reply for a moment but looked all round him, and up and down, as though he expected to find some inspiration for an answer.
13 Sometimes he sheered off the subject, or turned the conversation by pretending not to understand; but generally he answered all I asked most frankly.
14 I felt myself struggling to awake to some call of my instincts; nay, my very soul was struggling, and my half-remembered sensibilities were striving to answer the call.
15 Under the circumstances we agreed, by a questioning look and answer, with finger on lip, to preserve silence in our suspicions, until we should have been able to confer alone again.
16 I answered as quickly and coherently as I could that I had only got his telegram early in the morning, and had not lost a minute in coming here, and that I could not make any one in the house hear me.
17 With some difficulty I got a fellow-passenger to tell me what they meant; he would not answer at first, but on learning that I was English, he explained that it was a charm or guard against the evil eye.
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