BLACKS in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
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 Current Search - blacks in To Kill a Mockingbird
1  "He won't be black long," he grunted.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 1: Chapter 8
2  Reverend Sykes's black eyes were anxious.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 2: Chapter 17
3  he said irritably, as the black people surged upstairs.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 2: Chapter 16
4  Reverend Sykes was looking down at us, black hat in hand.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 2: Chapter 16
5  As Calpurnia sprinted to the back porch a black Ford swung into the driveway.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 1: Chapter 10
6  Old-age liver spots dotted her cheeks, and her pale eyes had black pinpoint pupils.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 1: Chapter 11
7  Reverend Sykes came puffing behind us, and steered us gently through the black people in the balcony.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 2: Chapter 16
8  I watched our Absolute Morphodite go black and crumble; Miss Maudie's sunhat settled on top of the heap.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 1: Chapter 8
9  One by one, the congregation came forward and dropped nickels and dimes into a black enameled coffee can.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 2: Chapter 12
10  His neck was dark gray, the backs of his hands were rusty, and his fingernails were black deep into the quick.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 1: Chapter 3
11  That's what I thought," said Jem, "but around here once you have a drop of Negro blood, that makes you all black.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 2: Chapter 16
12  Miss Maudie was staring at the smoking black hole in her yard, and Atticus shook his head to tell us she did not want to talk.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 1: Chapter 8
13  The fire was well into the second floor and had eaten its way to the roof: window frames were black against a vivid orange center.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 1: Chapter 8
14  He was a short, stocky man in a black suit, black tie, white shirt, and a gold watch-chain that glinted in the light from the frosted windows.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 2: Chapter 12
15  She owned a bright green square Buick and a black chauffeur, both kept in an unhealthy state of tidiness, but today they were nowhere to be seen.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 2: Chapter 13
16  Somehow, it was hotter then: a black dog suffered on a summer's day; bony mules hitched to Hoover carts flicked flies in the sweltering shade of the live oaks on the square.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 1: Chapter 1
17  As Atticus's fists went to his hips, so did Jem's, and as they faced each other I could see little resemblance between them: Jem's soft brown hair and eyes, his oval face and snug-fitting ears were our mother's, contrasting oddly with Atticus's graying black hair and square-cut features, but they were somehow alike.
To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Context   In PART 2: Chapter 15
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