1 There is a sound of hammering; it is the box being nailed down.
2 By the side of the box was its cover, pierced with holes here and there.
3 But all the time that so great child-brain of his was growing, and he began to consider whether he might not himself move the box.
4 He is not now eating them, but putting them into a box, as of old, and is already examining the corners of his room to find a spider.
5 He was in no friendly mood, when just at full tide, the thin man came up the gang-plank again and asked to see where his box had been stowed.
6 Our best hope is to come on him when in the box between sunrise and sunset; for then he can make no struggle, and we may deal with him as we should.
7 If, then, we can come on board after sunrise, he is at our mercy; for we can open the box and make sure of him, as we did of poor Lucy, before he wakes.
8 Out of it, in leisurely fashion, got Lord Godalming and Morris; and down from the box descended a thick-set working man with his rush-woven basket of tools.
9 He go there and soon he come again, himself driving cart on which a great box; this he himself lift down, though it take several to put it on truck for the ship.
10 Taking from his box a piece of the Sacred Wafer he laid it reverently on the earth, and then shutting down the lid began to screw it home, we aiding him as he worked.
11 The great box was in the same place, close against the wall, but the lid was laid on it, not fastened down, but with the nails ready in their places to be hammered home.
12 He came back with a handful of wild garlic from the box waiting in the hall, but which had not been opened, and placed the flowers amongst the others on and around the bed.
13 The box we seek is to be landed in Varna, and to be given to an agent, one Ristics who will there present his credentials; and so our merchant friend will have done his part.
14 The shovel fell from my hand across the box, and as I pulled it away the flange of the blade caught the edge of the lid which fell over again, and hid the horrid thing from my sight.
15 Godalming told the shippers that he fancied that the box sent aboard might contain something stolen from a friend of his, and got a half consent that he might open it at his own risk.
16 He give much talk to captain as to how and where his box is to be place; but the captain like it not and swear at him in many tongues, and tell him that if he like he can come and see where it shall be.
17 He went straight over to the window and brushed out the crumbs of sugar; then he took his fly-box, and emptied it outside, and threw away the box; then he shut the window, and crossing over, sat down on his bed.
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