1 That was near the bridge that crosses the canal by the gasworks.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: VII. HOW I REACHED HOME. 2 I rose and walked unsteadily up the steep incline of the bridge.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: VII. HOW I REACHED HOME. 3 People were actually clambering down the piers of the bridge from above.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: XVII. THE "THUNDER CHILD". 4 I answered his greeting with a meaningless mumble and went on over the bridge.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: VII. HOW I REACHED HOME. 5 The colonel of the regiment came to the Chobham bridge and was busy questioning the crowd at midnight.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: VIII. FRIDAY NIGHT. 6 I was naturally startled, and lost no time in going out and across the Ottershaw bridge to the sand-pits.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: II. THE FALLING STAR. 7 On the bridge a number of loafers were watching a curious brown scum that came drifting down the stream in patches.
8 We hurried across the exposed bridge, of course, but I noticed floating down the stream a number of red masses, some many feet across.
9 They told me no one was allowed over the canal, and, looking along the road towards the bridge, I saw one of the Cardigan men standing sentinel there.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: IX. THE FIGHTING BEGINS. 10 At that the captain on the bridge swore at the top of his voice with fear and anger at his own delay, and the paddles seemed infected with his terror.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: XVII. THE "THUNDER CHILD". 11 Farther on towards Weybridge, just over the bridge, there were a number of men in white fatigue jackets throwing up a long rampart, and more guns behind.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: XII. WHAT I SAW OF THE DESTRUCTION OF WEYBRIDGE AND SHEPPERTON. 12 At the sight of the Martian's collapse the captain on the bridge yelled inarticulately, and all the crowding passengers on the steamer's stern shouted together.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: XVII. THE "THUNDER CHILD". 13 We saw as we crossed the railway bridge that a growing crowd of people had assembled in and about the railway station, and the swarming platform was piled with boxes and packages.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: XII. WHAT I SAW OF THE DESTRUCTION OF WEYBRIDGE AND SHEPPERTON. 14 Down the hill I saw a bevy of hussars ride under the railway bridge; three galloped through the open gates of the Oriental College; two others dismounted, and began running from house to house.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: IX. THE FIGHTING BEGINS. 15 At last, as the bridge at Walton was coming into sight round the bend, my fever and faintness overcame my fears, and I landed on the Middlesex bank and lay down, deadly sick, amid the long grass.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: XIII. HOW I FELL IN WITH THE CURATE. 16 At Putney, as I afterwards saw, the bridge was almost lost in a tangle of this weed, and at Richmond, too, the Thames water poured in a broad and shallow stream across the meadows of Hampton and Twickenham.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 2: VI. THE WORK OF FIFTEEN DAYS. 17 We were far beyond the range of the Heat-Ray there, and had it not been for the silent desertion of some of the houses, the stirring movement of packing in others, and the knot of soldiers standing on the bridge over the railway and staring down the line towards Woking, the day would have seemed very like any other Sunday.
The War of the Worlds By H. G. WellsContextHighlight In BOOK 1: XII. WHAT I SAW OF THE DESTRUCTION OF WEYBRIDGE AND SHEPPERTON. Your search result may include more than 17 sentences. If you upgrade to a VIP account, you will see up to 500 sentences for one search.