1 One of the maids ran off, hurried on some more clothes, and opened it.
2 It was odd to notice that by common consent we had all put on black clothes.
3 I put back the clothes from my face, and found, to my surprise, that all was dim around.
4 I threw on my clothes and ran down at once; my patient is too dangerous a person to be roaming about.
5 I was so frightened that I crept into bed, and pulled the clothes over my head, putting my fingers in my ears.
6 As I was leaving the room it struck me that the clothes she wore might give me some clue to her dreaming intention.
7 I feared to wake her mother, who has been more than usually ill lately, so threw on some clothes and got ready to look for her.
8 To be sure, there were certain small evidences, such as that my clothes were folded and laid by in a manner which was not my habit.
9 As it was, the point just cut the cloth of his coat, making a wide gap whence a bundle of bank-notes and a stream of gold fell out.
10 I sat and pondered awhile, and then some thought occurred to me, and I made search of my portmanteau and in the wardrobe where I had placed my clothes.
11 It seemed to be as much an affront to the dead as it would have been to have stripped off her clothing in her sleep whilst living; I actually took hold of his hand to stop him.
12 It was a new shock to me to find that he had on the suit of clothes which I had worn whilst travelling here, and slung over his shoulder the terrible bag which I had seen the women take away.
13 He swear much, and he red face and loud of voice, but he good fellow all the same; and when Quincey give him something from his pocket which crackle as he roll it up, and put it in a so small bag which he have hid deep in his clothing, he still better fellow and humble servant to us.