COUNTRY in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
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 Current Search - country in The Jungle
1  Jurgis was like a boy, a boy from the country.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 2
2  The men and women who worked in this department were precisely the color of the "fresh country sausage" they made.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 13
3  Perhaps the summertime suggests to you thoughts of the country, visions of green fields and mountains and sparkling lakes.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 10
4  It seemed that they must have agencies all over the country, to hunt out old and crippled and diseased cattle to be canned.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 9
5  The street was turning into a country road, leading out to the westward; there were snow-covered fields on either side of him.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 18
6  The newspapers had got hold of that story, and there had been a scandal; but Scully had hired somebody to confess and take all the blame, and then skip the country.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 9
7  Jurgis was told that they also fixed the price they would pay for beef on the hoof and the price of all dressed meat in the country; but that was something he did not understand or care about.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
8  And Elzbieta would call upon Dede Antanas to support her; there was a fear in the souls of these two, lest this journey to a new country might somehow undermine the old home virtues of their children.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 6
9  First they took out the soil to make bricks, and then they filled it up again with garbage, which seemed to Jurgis and Ona a felicitous arrangement, characteristic of an enterprising country like America.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 2
10  The family was too poor and too hardworked to make many acquaintances; in Packingtown, as a rule, people know only their near neighbors and shopmates, and so the place is like a myriad of little country villages.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 8
11  Jokubas did this with the air of a country gentleman escorting a party of visitors over his estate; he was an old-time resident, and all these wonders had grown up under his eyes, and he had a personal pride in them.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 3
12  It was a summer of prosperity, all over the country, and the country ate generously of packing house products, and there was plenty of work for all the family, in spite of the packers' efforts to keep a superfluity of labor.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 13
13  Jurgis was so transparently what he pretended to be that his cell mate was as open with him as a child; it was pleasant to tell him adventures, he was so full of wonder and admiration, he was so new to the ways of the country.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 17
14  One never saw the fields, nor any green thing whatever, in Packingtown; but one could go out on the road and "hobo it," as the men phrased it, and see the country, and have a long rest, and an easy time riding on the freight cars.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 2
15  That was a country where, they said, a man might earn three rubles a day; and Jurgis figured what three rubles a day would mean, with prices as they were where he lived, and decided forthwith that he would go to America and marry, and be a rich man in the bargain.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 2
16  In his manhood he worked in a cotton mill, but then a coughing fell upon him, and he had to leave; out in the country the trouble disappeared, but he has been working in the pickle rooms at Durham's, and the breathing of the cold, damp air all day has brought it back.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
17  All day long this man would toil thus, his whole being centered upon the purpose of making twenty-three instead of twenty-two and a half cents an hour; and then his product would be reckoned up by the census taker, and jubilant captains of industry would boast of it in their banquet halls, telling how our workers are nearly twice as efficient as those of any other country.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 20
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