DESPERATE in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Anna Karenina 1 by Leo Tolstoy
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 Current Search - desperate in Anna Karenina 1
1  "No, you were not mistaken," she said deliberately, looking desperately into his cold face.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 29
2  A boy in Russian dress, desperately waving his arms and bowed down to the ground, overtook her.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: Chapter 9
3  Alexey Alexandrovitch," she said, with desperate resolution looking him in the face, "I asked you about Anna, you made me no answer.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 4: Chapter 12
4  "Oh, please, introduce me to Karenin," he brought out with an effort, and with a desperately determined step he walked into the drawing room and beheld her.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 4: Chapter 9
5  But now, coming back to the world of reality, he had to make great mental efforts to take in that she was alive and well, and that the creature squalling so desperately was his son.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 7: Chapter 15
6  Frightened by the desperate expression with which these words were uttered, he jumped up and would have run after her, but on second thoughts he sat down and scowled, setting his teeth.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 7: Chapter 26
7  She was vexed, too, that from all she could learn of this connection it was not that brilliant, graceful, worldly liaison which she would have welcomed, but a sort of Wertherish, desperate passion, so she was told, which might well lead him into imprudence.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 18