1 He is a doctor and really clever.
2 You forget that I am a lawyer as well as a doctor.
3 I flew to him, for the Holy circle did not now keep me back; so did the two doctors.
4 Unless they heal within a day or two, I shall insist on the doctor seeing about them.
5 The doctors were quite right to insist on her being kept out of this dreadful business.
6 All chambers are alike to the doctor; and even were they not they are all as one to me to-night.
7 Jonathan and the two doctors went to the shipping agent to learn particulars of the arrival of the Czarina Catherine.
8 We doctors, who have had to study our dangers, have to become accustomed to such things, and I drew back towards the door.
9 You can lie on the sofa for I know that nothing would induce any of you doctors to go to bed whilst there is a patient above the horizon.
10 She has not told Lucy, and made me promise secrecy; her doctor told her that within a few months, at most, she must die, for her heart is weakening.
11 I know, and you know, and the other doctor who attended her knows, that Mrs. Westenra had disease of the heart, and we can certify that she died of it.
12 He had evidently, as the doctor said, fallen back in the seat in some sort of fright, for there was a look of fear and horror on his face that the men said made them shudder.
13 As to the disposal of forces, it was suggested by the Professor that, after our visit to Carfax, we should all enter the house in Piccadilly; that the two doctors and I should remain there, whilst Lord Godalming and Quincey found the lairs at Walworth and Mile End and destroyed them.