DRINKING in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Anna Karenina 1 by Leo Tolstoy
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 Current Search - drinking in Anna Karenina 1
1  There was a great deal of drinking.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 3: Chapter 21
2  it meant drinking and going somewhere after drinking.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 7: Chapter 1
3  But Kitty took not the slightest interest in discussing the drinking habits of the peasants.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 7: Chapter 11
4  "On that score you can set your mind quite at rest," she said, and turning away from him, she began drinking her coffee.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 7: Chapter 25
5  After drinking it off and sitting still a little while, she went into her bedroom in a soothed and more cheerful frame of mind.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 6: Chapter 24
6  Turovtsin was one of the circle drinking in the billiard room, and Stepan Arkadyevitch was talking with Vronsky near the door at the farther corner of the room.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 7: Chapter 8
7  One thing he did with more sincerity confess to was that living so long in Moscow, a life of nothing but conversation, eating and drinking, he was degenerating.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 7: Chapter 11
8  They had race horses, and Russian pancakes and bear hunts and three-horse sledges, and gypsies and drinking feasts, with the Russian accompaniment of broken crockery.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 4: Chapter 1
9  After drinking a few sips she glanced at him, and by his expression, she saw clearly that he was repelled by her hand, and her gesture, and the sound made by her lips.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 7: Chapter 25
10  "Levin," said Stepan Arkadyevitch, and Levin noticed that his eyes were not full of tears exactly, but moist, which always happened when he had been drinking, or when he was touched.
Anna Karenina 3 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 7: Chapter 8
11  He went back scowling to his rooms, and sitting down beside Yashvin, who, with his long legs stretched out on a chair, was drinking brandy and seltzer water, he ordered a glass of the same for himself.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 5: Chapter 33
12  Stepan Arkadyevitch, who had just been drinking and taking some lunch, came up to them in his uniform of a gentleman of the bedchamber, wiping his lips with a perfumed handkerchief of bordered batiste.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 6: Chapter 27
13  And the doctor began scientifically explaining to the princess, as an exceptionally intelligent woman, the condition of the young princess, and concluded by insisting on the drinking of the waters, which were certainly harmless.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 1
14  And suddenly both of them felt that though they were friends, though they had been dining and drinking together, which should have drawn them closer, yet each was thinking only of his own affairs, and they had nothing to do with one another.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: Chapter 11
15  They killed three of the best calves by letting them into the clover aftermath without care as to their drinking, and nothing would make the men believe that they had been blown out by the clover, but they told him, by way of consolation, that one of his neighbors had lost a hundred and twelve head of cattle in three days.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 3: Chapter 24
16  Sergey Ivanovitch had long ago finished dinner, and was drinking iced lemon and water in his own room, looking through the reviews and papers which he had only just received by post, when Levin rushed into the room, talking merrily, with his wet and matted hair sticking to his forehead, and his back and chest grimed and moist.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 3: Chapter 6
17  Swaying rhythmically with the ambling paces of his good little cob, drinking in the warm yet fresh scent of the snow and the air, as he rode through his forest over the crumbling, wasted snow, still left in parts, and covered with dissolving tracks, he rejoiced over every tree, with the moss reviving on its bark and the buds swelling on its shoots.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 13
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