ESCAPED in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Narrative of the Life by Frederick Douglass
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 Current Search - escaped in The Narrative of the Life
1  How I escaped death, I do not know.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER X
2  I had escaped a worse than lion's jaws.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VIII
3  Thus twice, in one short day, I escaped death by the merest chance.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER X
4  I looked forward to a time at which it would be safe for me to escape.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VII
5  He did this to alarm their fears, and strike terror into those who escaped.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER X
6  Scarce a sentence escaped him but that was commenced or concluded by some horrid oath.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER II
7  I suppose I looked like a man who had escaped a den of wild beasts, and barely escaped them.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER X
8  They were frequently whipped when least deserving, and escaped whipping when most deserving it.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER III
9  Thus she escaped not only punishment, but even the pain of being arraigned before a court for her horrid crime.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER IV
10  I now come to that part of my life during which I planned, and finally succeeded in making, my escape from slavery.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XI
11  To escape punishment was to escape accusation; and few slaves had the fortune to do either, under the overseership of Mr. Gore.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER IV
12  White men have been known to encourage slaves to escape, and then, to get the reward, catch them and return them to their masters.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VII
13  In writing to a dear friend, immediately after my arrival at New York, I said I felt like one who had escaped a den of hungry lions.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XI
14  If, however, I found in my new home hardship, hunger, whipping, and nakedness, I had the consolation that I should not have escaped any one of them by staying.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER V
15  I bent myself to devising ways and means for our escape, and meanwhile strove, on all fitting occasions, to impress them with the gross fraud and inhumanity of slavery.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER X
16  But the most astonishing as well as the most interesting thing to me was the condition of the colored people, a great many of whom, like myself, had escaped thither as a refuge from the hunters of men.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XI
17  He argued that if one slave refused to be corrected, and escaped with his life, the other slaves would soon copy the example; the result of which would be, the freedom of the slaves, and the enslavement of the whites.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER IV
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