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A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 2: 23
2 That fall the snow came very late.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 5: 38
3 All summer and all fall I've operated.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 3: 25
4 I had not wanted to fall in love with any one.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 2: 14
5 It is nice there in the fall when the leaves turn.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 2: 22
6 God knows I had not wanted to fall in love with her.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 2: 14
7 I tried to move sideways so that it did not fall on me.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 1: 9
8 When they started to fall off she was disappointed and ashamed.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 5: 41
9 Now in the fall the trees were all bare and the roads were muddy.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 3: 25
10 But what was lovely was the fall to go hunting through the chestnut woods.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 1: 11
11 We stayed in bed with the fire roaring in the stove and watched the snow fall.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 5: 38
12 The drops fell very slowly, as they fall from an icicle after the sun has gone.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 1: 9
13 If they killed men as they did this fall the Allies would be cooked in another year.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 2: 21
14 There was no wire to speak of and no place to fall back to if there should be an Austrian attack.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 3: 27
15 You get out and fall down by the road and get a bump on your head and I'll pick you up on our way back and take you to a hospital.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 1: 7
16 There was fighting for that mountain too, but it was not successful, and in the fall when the rains came the leaves all fell from the chestnut trees and the branches were bare and the trunks black with rain.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 1: 1
17 The forest had been green in the summer when we had come into the town but now there were the stumps and the broken trunks and the ground torn up, and one day at the end of the fall when I was out where the oak forest had been I saw a cloud coming over the mountain.
A Farewell to ArmsBy Ernest Hemingway Context In BOOK 1: 2
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