1 The plane was shot down in flames.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain 2 Behind him, the whole island was shuddering with flame.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWELVE Cry of the Hunters 3 The flame flapped higher and the boys broke into a cheer.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain 4 Soon there was a ceiling of smoke and a bush of yellow flame.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER EIGHT Gift for the Darkness 5 Eric breathed on the wood till it glowed and sent out a little flame.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TEN The Shell and the Glasses 6 Beneath the capering boys a quarter of a mile square of forest was savage with smoke and flame.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain 7 A flame, seemingly detached, swung like an acrobat and licked up the palm heads on the platform.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWELVE Cry of the Hunters 8 To keep a clean flag of flame flying on the mountain was the immediate end and no one looked further.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain 9 Jack knelt too and blew gently, so that the smoke drifted away, thickening, and a tiny flame appeared.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain 10 At the sight of the flames and the irresistible course of the fire, the boys broke into shrill, excited cheering.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain 11 Small flames stirred at the trunk of a tree and crawled away through leaves and brushwood, dividing and increasing.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain 12 The heart of flame leapt nimbly across the gap between the trees and then went swinging and flaring along the whole row of them.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain 13 The beard of flame diminished quickly; then the pile fell inwards with a soft, cindery sound, and sent a great tree of sparks upwards that leaned away and drifted downwind.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain 14 All at once the lights flickering ahead of him merged together, the roar of the forest rose to thunder and a tall bush directly in his path burst into a great fan-shaped flame.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWELVE Cry of the Hunters 15 The flame, nearly invisible at first in that bright sunlight, enveloped a small twig, grew, was enriched with color and reached up to a branch which exploded with a sharp crack.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain 16 The pile was so rotten, and now so tinder-dry, that whole limbs yielded passionately to the yellow flames that poured upwards and shook a great beard of flame twenty feet in the air.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain 17 The pile was so rotten, and now so tinder-dry, that whole limbs yielded passionately to the yellow flames that poured upwards and shook a great beard of flame twenty feet in the air.
Lord of the Flies By William GoldingContext In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain Your search result may include more than 17 sentences. If you upgrade to a VIP account, you will see up to 500 sentences for one search.