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Quotes from Anna Karenina 1 by Leo Tolstoy
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 Current Search - free in Anna Karenina 1
1  My hands were suddenly set free.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 3: Chapter 21
2  He has no time free; he is always busy.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 4: Chapter 5
3  But to keep his thoughts free, he had tried to persuade himself that he did not know it.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 4: Chapter 9
4  If you prefer it, your excellency, a private room will be free directly; Prince Golistin with a lady.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: Chapter 10
5  Levin rather disliked his holiday attitude to life and a sort of free and easy assumption of elegance.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 6: Chapter 8
6  She caught herself in reveries on what might have been, if she had not been married and he had been free.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 5: Chapter 23
7  He would have to pay some two thousand roubles on these debts too, in order to be quite free from anxiety.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 3: Chapter 19
8  The old man, who had put on his short sheepskin jacket, was just as good-humored, jocose, and free in his movements.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 3: Chapter 5
9  He was free from that shame, which had usually harassed him after a fall; and he could look everyone straight in the face.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 12
10  All that was noticeable was the little wilful tendrils of her curly hair that would always break free about her neck and temples.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: Chapter 22
11  On reaching the copse, Levin got out of the trap and led Oblonsky to a corner of a mossy, swampy glade, already quite free from snow.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 15
12  He was very well aware that in their eyes the position of an unsuccessful lover of a girl, or of any woman free to marry, might be ridiculous.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 4
13  He was equable and not cringing with his superiors, was free and ingratiating in his behavior with his equals, and was contemptuously indulgent with his inferiors.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 4: Chapter 1
14  In spite of these words and this smile, which so frightened Varya, when the inflammation was over and he began to recover, he felt that he was completely free from one part of his misery.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 4: Chapter 23
15  He just had time to free his leg when she fell on one side, gasping painfully, and, making vain efforts to rise with her delicate, soaking neck, she fluttered on the ground at his feet like a shot bird.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 25
16  Alexey Alexandrovitch did not merely fail to observe his hopeless position in the official world, he was not merely free from anxiety on this head, he was positively more satisfied than ever with his own activity.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 5: Chapter 24
17  He went back himself to a double birch tree on the other side, and leaning his gun on the fork of a dead lower branch, he took off his full overcoat, fastened his belt again, and worked his arms to see if they were free.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: Chapter 15
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