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Quotes from A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
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 Current Search - fresh in A Farewell to Arms
1  She looked fresh and young and very beautiful.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 2: 14
2  They were moderately clean, a few freshly washed, the others dusty.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 1: 4
3  At the field hospital they had the look of not too freshly ground hamburger steak.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 2: 15
4  The train was electrically heated and stuffy but fresh cold air came in through the window.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 5: 38
5  He held something in his two hands that looked like a freshly skinned rabbit and hurried across the corridor with it and in through another door.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 5: 41
6  Passing where the shells had landed I avoided the small broken places and smelled the high explosive and the smell of blasted clay and stone and freshly shattered flint.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 1: 5
7  She came in looking fresh and lovely and sat on the bed and the sun rose while I had the thermometer in my mouth and we smelled the dew on the roofs and then the coffee of the men at the gun on the next roof.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 2: 16