GARDEN in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Animal Farm by George Orwell
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 Current Search - garden in Animal Farm
1  This was run up the flagstaff in the farmhouse garden every Sunday morning.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter III
2  They took their exercise in the garden, and were discouraged from playing with the other young animals.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter IX
3  It was announced that later, when bricks and timber had been purchased, a schoolroom would be built in the farmhouse garden.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter IX
4  He snuffed in every corner, in the barn, in the cow-shed, in the henhouses, in the vegetable garden, and found traces of Snowball almost everywhere.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter VII
5  There had also been a very strange custom, whose origin was unknown, of marching every Sunday morning past a boar's skull which was nailed to a post in the garden.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter X
6  It had not been possible, he said, to bring back their lamented comrade's remains for interment on the farm, but he had ordered a large wreath to be made from the laurels in the farmhouse garden and sent down to be placed on Boxer's grave.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter IX
7  It did not seem strange when Napoleon was seen strolling in the farmhouse garden with a pipe in his mouth--no, not even when the pigs took Mr. Jones's clothes out of the wardrobes and put them on, Napoleon himself appearing in a black coat, ratcatcher breeches, and leather leggings, while his favourite sow appeared in the watered silk dress which Mrs. Jones had been used to wearing on Sundays.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter X