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Quotes from The Narrative of the Life by Frederick Douglass
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 Current Search - general in The Narrative of the Life
1  The young man's name was Ned Roberts, generally called Lloyd's Ned.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
2  I was quite disappointed at the general appearance of things in New Bedford.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XI
3  Those of us who had families at a distance, were generally allowed to spend the whole six days in their society.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER X
4  We seldom called him "master;" we generally called him "Captain Auld," and were hardly disposed to title him at all.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER IX
5  If they have any thing to say of their masters, it is generally in their masters' favor, especially when speaking to an untried man.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER III
6  The exercises of his family devotions were always commenced with singing; and, as he was a very poor singer himself, the duty of raising the hymn generally came upon me.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER X
7  Such is, very briefly, my view of the religion of this land; and to avoid any misunderstanding, growing out of the use of general terms, I mean by the religion of this land, that which is revealed in the words, deeds, and actions, of those bodies, north and south, calling themselves Christian churches, and yet in union with slaveholders.
The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XI