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Current Search - gentleman in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
1 No gentleman but wishes to avoid a scene, says he.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR
2 I had taken a loathing to my gentleman at first sight.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR
3 "There must be some-thing else," said the perplexed gentleman.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE
4 There is no other door, and nobody goes in or out of that one but, once in a great while, the gentleman of my adventure.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR
5 This was a hearty, healthy, dapper, red-faced gentleman, with a shock of hair prematurely white, and a boisterous and decided manner.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE
6 I gave a view-halloa, took to my heels, collared my gentleman, and brought him back to where there was already quite a group about the screaming child.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR
7 The old gentleman took a step back, with the air of one very much surprised and a trifle hurt; and at that Mr. Hyde broke out of all bounds and clubbed him to the earth.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER THE CAREW MURDER CASE
8 And as she so sat she became aware of an aged and beautiful gentleman with white hair, drawing near along the lane; and advancing to meet him, another and very small gentleman, to whom at first she paid less attention.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER THE CAREW MURDER CASE
9 I took the liberty of pointing out to my gentleman that the whole business looked apocryphal, and that a man does not, in real life, walk into a cellar door at four in the morning and come out of it with another man's cheque for close upon a hundred pounds.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBy Robert Louis Stevenson ContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR