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Current Search - girls in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
1 Lots of the women and girls was crying and taking on, scared most to death.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXII.
2 So the next day after the funeral, along about noon-time, the girls' joy got the first jolt.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXVII.
3 The girls said they hadn't ever dreamed of seeing the family separated or sold away from the town.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXVII.
4 The poor girls was hanging to the king and crying; and all of a sudden the doctor ups and turns on them.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXV.
5 When we got to the house the street in front of it was packed, and the three girls was standing in the door.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXV.
6 I thought them poor girls and them niggers would break their hearts for grief; they cried around each other, and took on so it most made me down sick to see it.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXVII.
7 There was an old hair trunk in one corner, and a guitar-box in another, and all sorts of little knickknacks and jimcracks around, like girls brisken up a room with.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXVI.
8 The girls wouldn't say nothing because they wanted to go to England; and the king and the duke would ruther Mary Jane was off working for the auction than around in reach of Doctor Robinson.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXVIII.
9 I can't ever get it out of my memory, the sight of them poor miserable girls and niggers hanging around each other's necks and crying; and I reckon I couldn't a stood it all, but would a had to bust out and tell on our gang if I hadn't knowed the sale warn't no account and the niggers would be back home in a week or two.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXVII.