1 Dally raised the gun, and I thought: You blasted fool.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 10 2 I left out the part about the gun and our hitching a ride in the freight car.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 6 3 "The first stop'll be Windrixville," Johnny said, laying the gun down gingerly.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 4 4 And even as the policemen's guns spit fire into the night I knew that was what Dally wanted.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 10 5 Darry would beat him to death for giving us the money and the gun and getting us out of town.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 4 6 We were really running away, with the police after us for murder and a loaded gun by our side.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 4 7 He tried to lift a policeman's gun and grinned so crazily when he was caught that the policeman had to grin too.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 7 8 Nobody but Dally would know where we were, and he couldn't tell anyone because he'd get jailed again for giving us that gun.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 4 9 Not even the rattling of the train could keep me awake, and I went to sleep in a hoodlum's jacket, with a gun lying next to my hand.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 4 10 But I remembered Dally pulling Johnny through the window of the burning church; Dally giving us his gun, although it could mean jail for him; Dally risking his life for us, trying to keep Johnny out of trouble.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 10 11 His big black eyes grew bigger than ever at the thought of going to the police station, for Johnny had a deathly fear of cops, but he went on: "We won't tell that you helped us, Dally, and we'll give you back the gun and what's left of the money and say we hitchhiked back so you won't get into trouble."
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 6