1 At the gate they paused, half frightened to go on but Clover led the way in.
2 About half the animals on the farm rushed out to the knoll where the windmill stood.
3 'Animal Hero, Second Class,' and half a bushel of apples to any animal who brings him to justice.
4 By the late summer the news of what had happened on Animal Farm had spread across half the county.
5 This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half.
6 There were fifteen men, with half a dozen guns between them, and they opened fire as soon as they got within fifty yards.
7 He had made arrangements with the cockerel to call him three-quarters of an hour earlier in the mornings instead of half an hour.
8 Jones and all his men, with half a dozen others from Foxwood and Pinchfield, had entered the five-barred gate and were coming up the cart-track that led to the farm.
9 There, round the long table, sat half a dozen farmers and half a dozen of the more eminent pigs, Napoleon himself occupying the seat of honour at the head of the table.
10 At about half past nine Napoleon, wearing an old bowler hat of Mr. Jones's, was distinctly seen to emerge from the back door, gallop rapidly round the yard, and disappear indoors again.
11 Gradually the plans grew into a complicated mass of cranks and cog-wheels, covering more than half the floor, which the other animals found completely unintelligible but very impressive.
12 And the news soon leaked out that every pig was now receiving a ration of a pint of beer daily, with half a gallon for Napoleon himself, which was always served to him in the Crown Derby soup tureen.
13 And about half an hour later, when Boxer had somewhat recovered, he was with difficulty got on to his feet, and managed to limp back to his stall, where Clover and Benjamin had prepared a good bed of straw for him.
14 He had made an arrangement with one of the cockerels to call him in the mornings half an hour earlier than anyone else, and would put in some volunteer labour at whatever seemed to be most needed, before the regular day's work began.