HEAT in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Lord of the Flies by William Golding
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 Current Search - heat in Lord of the Flies
1  The sand was thick over his black shoes and the heat hit him.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
2  All round him the long scar smashed into the jungle was a bath of heat.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
3  Here and there, little breezes crept over the polished waters beneath the haze of heat.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
4  The whole space was walled with dark aromatic bushes, and was a bowl of heat and light.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER THREE Huts on the Beach
5  For yards round the fire the heat was like a blow, and the breeze was a river of sparks.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain
6  With the fading of the light the riotous colors died and the heat and urgency cooled away.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER THREE Huts on the Beach
7  Eric spread out his hands, searching for the distance at which the heat was just bearable.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER SIX Beast from Air
8  With openness came the sun; it dried the sweat that had soaked their clothes in the dark, damp heat.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
9  On one side the air was cool, but on the other the fire thrust out a savage arm of heat that crinkled hair on the instant.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain
10  The only sound that reached them now through the heat of the morning was the long, grinding roar of the breakers on the reef.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
11  The silence of the forest was more oppressive than the heat, and at this hour of the day there was not even the whine of insects.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER THREE Huts on the Beach
12  With that word the heat seemed to increase till it became a threatening weight and the lagoon attacked them with a blinding effulgence.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
13  The children who came along the beach, singly or in twos, leapt into visibility when they crossed the line from heat haze to nearer sand.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
14  Trees, forced by the damp heat, found too little soil for full growth, fell early and decayed: creepers cradled them, and new saplings searched a way up.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain
15  The heat of the tropics, the descent, the search for food, and now this sweaty march along the blazing beach had given them the complexions of newly washed plums.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
16  The sand, trembling beneath the heat haze, concealed many figures in its miles of length; boys were making their way toward the platform through the hot, dumb sand.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
17  The beach between the palm terrace and the water was a thin stick, endless apparently, for to Ralph's left the perspectives of palm and beach and water drew to a point at infinity; and always, almost visible, was the heat.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
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