HOUR in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
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 Current Search - hour in Fahrenheit 451
1  Do you know, I had a dream an hour ago.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 2: The Sieve and the Sand
2  He drove forty miles an hour and they jailed him for two days.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 1: The Hearth and the Salamander
3  She had both ears plugged with electronic bees that were humming the hour away.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 1: The Hearth and the Salamander
4  The voice clock mourned out the cold hour of a cold morning of a still colder year.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 1: The Hearth and the Salamander
5  , case like this; all you need is two handymen, clean up the problem in half an hour.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 1: The Hearth and the Salamander
6  And she pushed it up to one hundred and five miles an hour and tore the breath from his mouth.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 1: The Hearth and the Salamander
7  Twice in half an hour, Montag had to rise from the game to go to the latrine to wash his hands.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 2: The Sieve and the Sand
8  The war would have to wait for him to come to it in his personal file, an hour, two hours from now.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 3: Burning Bright
9  Beatty grabbed Montag's shoulder as the beetle blasted away and hit seventy miles an hour, far down the street, gone.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 3: Burning Bright
10  So, with the feeling of a man who will die in the next hour for lack of air, he felt his way toward his open, separate, and therefore cold bed.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 1: The Hearth and the Salamander
11  He felt all of the mingled relief and horror at having pulled back only in time to have just his knee slammed by the fender of a car hurtling by at ninety miles an hour.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 3: Burning Bright
12  An hour of monologue, a poem, a comment, and then without either acknowledging the fact that Montag was a fireman, Faber, with a certain trembling, wrote his address on a slip of paper.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 2: The Sieve and the Sand
13  His name was Faber, and when he finally lost his fear of Montag, he talked in a cadenced voice, looking at the sky and the trees and the green park, and when an hour had passed he said something to Montag and Montag sensed it was a rhymeless poem.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 2: The Sieve and the Sand
14  It was good listening to the beetle hum, the sleepy mosquito buzz and delicate filigree murmur of the old man's voice at first scolding him and then consoling him in the late hour of night as he emerged from the steaming subway toward the firehouse world.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 2: The Sieve and the Sand
15  And if it was not the three walls soon to be four walls and the dream complete, then it was the open car and Mildred driving a hundred miles an hour across town, he shouting at her and she shouting back and both trying to hear what was said, but hearing only the scream of the car.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 1: The Hearth and the Salamander
16  One time, as a child, in a power failure, his mother had found and lit a last candle and there had been a brief hour of rediscovery, of such illumination that space lost its vast dimensions and drew comfortably around them, and they, mother and son, alone, transformed, hoping that the power might not come on again too soon.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 1: The Hearth and the Salamander
17  Montag stood looking in now at this queer house, made strange by the hour of the night, by murmuring neighbor voices, by littered glass, and there on the floor, their covers torn off and spilled out like swan feathers, the incredible books that looked so silly and really not worth bothering with, for these were nothing but black type and yellowed paper and raveled binding.
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
Context   In PART 3: Burning Bright
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