HOUR in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
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 Current Search - hour in The Jungle
1  An hour before the time on Sunday morning the entire party set out.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 4
2  So she watched them every hour of the day, and had learned to see like an owl at night to watch them then.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
3  A full hour before the party reached the city they had begun to note the perplexing changes in the atmosphere.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 2
4  The men grasp the women very tightly, but there will be half an hour together when neither will see the other's face.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
5  It proved to be a long mile and a half, but they walked it, and half an hour or so later the agent put in an appearance.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 4
6  He had gone to Brown's and stood there not more than half an hour before one of the bosses noticed his form towering above the rest, and signaled to him.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 3
7  They dance in monotonous measure, round after round, hour after hour, with eyes fixed upon vacancy, as if they were only half conscious, in a constantly growing stupor.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
8  First there were the "splitters," the most expert workmen in the plant, who earned as high as fifty cents an hour, and did not a thing all day except chop hogs down the middle.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 3
9  There are learned people who can tell you out of the statistics that beef-boners make forty cents an hour, but, perhaps, these people have never looked into a beef-boner's hands.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
10  Red cattle, black, white, and yellow cattle; old cattle and young cattle; great bellowing bulls and little calves not an hour born; meek-eyed milch cows and fierce, long-horned Texas steers.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 3
11  Brother Jonas had gotten his job, and was pushing a truck in Durham's; and the killing gang at Brown's continued to work early and late, so that Jurgis grew more confident every hour, more certain of his mastership.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 4
12  That was why he had been picked out on one important occasion; for Jurgis had stood outside of Brown and Company's "Central Time Station" not more than half an hour, the second day of his arrival in Chicago, before he had been beckoned by one of the bosses.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 2
13  Hour after hour, day after day, year after year, it was fated that he should stand upon a certain square foot of floor from seven in the morning until noon, and again from half-past twelve till half-past five, making never a motion and thinking never a thought, save for the setting of lard cans.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 6
14  If one of them be a minute late, he will be docked an hour's pay, and if he be many minutes late, he will be apt to find his brass check turned to the wall, which will send him out to join the hungry mob that waits every morning at the gates of the packing houses, from six o'clock until nearly half-past eight.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
15  To attend to all this and fill several hundred cans of lard per hour, there were necessary two human creatures, one of whom knew how to place an empty lard can on a certain spot every few seconds, and the other of whom knew how to take a full lard can off a certain spot every few seconds and set it upon a tray.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 6
16  He is playing a bass part upon his cello, and so the excitement is nothing to him; no matter what happens in the treble, it is his task to saw out one long-drawn and lugubrious note after another, from four o'clock in the afternoon until nearly the same hour next morning, for his third of the total income of one dollar per hour.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
17  After half an hour of such depressing conversation, they had their minds quite made up that they had been saved at the brink of a precipice; but then Szedvilas went away, and Jonas, who was a sharp little man, reminded them that the delicatessen business was a failure, according to its proprietor, and that this might account for his pessimistic views.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 4
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