1 There is really nothing to interest you.
2 I picked out one who has afforded me a study of much interest.
3 Hereafter it may be of interest to you to see how true you guess.
4 The attendant was struck by his manner, and knowing my interest in him, encouraged him to talk.
5 I do not suppose there will be much of interest to other people; but it is not intended for them.
6 I do not, as you know, take sufficient interest in dress to be able to describe the new fashions.
7 It was on the dark side of twilight when we got to Bistritz, which is a very interesting old place.
8 The country is lovely, and most interesting; if only we were under different conditions, how delightful it would be to see it all.
9 I think she would be happier in our own home, with her daily tasks to interest her, than in being here amongst us and in ignorance.
10 I was at first interested and somewhat amused, for it is wonderful how small a matter will interest and amuse a man when he is a prisoner.
11 You might as well ask a man to eat molecules with a pair of chop-sticks, as to try to interest me about the lesser carnivora, when I know of what is before me.
12 Mina took a growing interest in everything and I was rejoiced to see that the exigency of affairs was helping her to forget for a time the terrible experience of the night.
13 His moods change so rapidly that I find it difficult to keep touch of them, and as they always mean something more than his own well-being, they form a more than interesting study.
14 Jonathan thought it would interest me to go into the Row for a while, so we sat down; but there were very few people there, and it was sad-looking and desolate to see so many empty chairs.
15 I read that every known superstition in the world is gathered into the horseshoe of the Carpathians, as if it were the centre of some sort of imaginative whirlpool; if so my stay may be very interesting.
16 The greatest interest, however, is with regard to the paper found in the bottle, which was to-day produced at the inquest; and a more strange narrative than the two between them unfold it has not been my lot to come across.
17 I told him he might have a dozen if he wished, but that it would not be wise to have more than one solicitor engaged in one transaction, as only one could act at a time, and that to change would be certain to militate against his interest.
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