LIE in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Romeo And Juliet by William Shakespeare
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 Current Search - lie in Romeo And Juliet
1  Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT V
2  Death, lie thou there, by a dead man interr'd.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT V
3  Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye Than twenty of their swords.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT II
4  As rich shall Romeo's by his lady's lie, Poor sacrifices of our enmity.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT V
5  I have an interest in your hate's proceeding, My blood for your rude brawls doth lie a-bleeding.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT III
6  When good manners shall lie all in one or two men's hands, and they unwash'd too, 'tis a foul thing.'
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
7  Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast, Which thou wilt propagate to have it prest With more of thine.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
8  Wednesday is tomorrow; Tomorrow night look that thou lie alone, Let not thy Nurse lie with thee in thy chamber.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT IV
9  We see the ground whereon these woes do lie, But the true ground of all these piteous woes We cannot without circumstance descry.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT V
10  And here he writes that he did buy a poison Of a poor 'pothecary, and therewithal Came to this vault to die, and lie with Juliet.'
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT V
11  Come, night, come Romeo; come, thou day in night; For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night Whiter than new snow upon a raven's back.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT III
12  Examine every married lineament, And see how one another lends content; And what obscur'd in this fair volume lies, Find written in the margent of his eyes.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
13  Bondage is hoarse and may not speak aloud, Else would I tear the cave where Echo lies, And make her airy tongue more hoarse than mine With repetition of my Romeo's name.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT II
14  Then as the manner of our country is, In thy best robes, uncover'd, on the bier, Thou shalt be borne to that same ancient vault Where all the kindred of the Capulets lie.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT IV
15  Now old desire doth in his deathbed lie, And young affection gapes to be his heir; That fair for which love groan'd for and would die, With tender Juliet match'd, is now not fair.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT II
16  Care keeps his watch in every old man's eye, And where care lodges sleep will never lie; But where unbruised youth with unstuff'd brain Doth couch his limbs, there golden sleep doth reign.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT II
17  I conjure thee by Rosaline's bright eyes, By her high forehead and her scarlet lip, By her fine foot, straight leg, and quivering thigh, And the demesnes that there adjacent lie, That in thy likeness thou appear to us.
Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT II
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