MOUTH in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Lord of the Flies by William Golding
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 Current Search - mouth in Lord of the Flies
1  His face flushed, his mouth trembled.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
2  Roger lay behind him and Jack's mouth was at his ear.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER SEVEN Shadows and Tall Trees
3  There came a rushing sound from its mouth but nothing more.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
4  He held the conch before his face and glanced round the mouth.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain
5  Piggy opened his mouth to speak, caught Jack's eye and shut it again.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER TWO Fire on the Mountain
6  Doubtfully, Ralph laid the small end of the shell against his mouth and blew.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
7  He lay against a log, his mouth gaping, blue shadows creeping round his lips.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER SIX Beast from Air
8  Simon opened his mouth to speak but Ralph had the conch, so he backed to his seat.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER FIVE Beast from Water
9  Ralph could hear a tiny chattering noise coming from somewhere-- perhaps from his own mouth.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER SEVEN Shadows and Tall Trees
10  Ralph paddled backwards down the slope, immersed his mouth and blew a jet of water into the air.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
11  His face puckered, the tears leapt from his eyes, his mouth opened till they could see a square black hole.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER FIVE Beast from Water
12  Jack held up the head and jammed the soft throat down on the pointed end of the stick which pierced through into the mouth.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER EIGHT Gift for the Darkness
13  Simon, sitting between the twins and Piggy, wiped his mouth and shoved his piece of meat over the rocks to Piggy, who grabbed it.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER FOUR Painted Faces and Long Hair
14  Ralph found that he had rock painfully gripped in both hands, found his body arched, the muscles of his neck stiff, his mouth strained open.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER SEVEN Shadows and Tall Trees
15  As he received the reassurance of something purposeful being done he began to look satisfied, and his only clean digit, a pink thumb, slid into his mouth.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
16  You could see now that he might make a boxer, as far as width and heaviness of shoulders went, but there was a mildness about his mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
17  Between the point, worn away into a little hole, and the pink lips of the mouth, lay eighteen inches of shell with a slight spiral twist and covered with a delicate, embossed pattern.
Lord of the Flies By William Golding
Context   In CHAPTER ONE The Sound of the Shell
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