1 Some are naughty through mismanagment or neglect, and some lose their mothers.
2 The boy neglects his music now, and I'm glad of it, for he was getting too fond of it.
3 I couldn't enjoy myself if I neglected them even for you, so there's no need of hurry or impatience.
4 Don't neglect husband for children, don't shut him out of the nursery, but teach him how to help in it.
5 Then tea must be got, errands done, and one or two necessary bits of sewing neglected until the last minute.
6 But when Mr. Bhaer came, Jo neglected her playfellows, and dismay and desolation fell upon their little souls.
7 We used to be faithful about it, but since Father went away and all this war trouble unsettled us, we have neglected many things.
8 She smiled, said nothing, and with Hannah's help did their neglected work, keeping home pleasant and the domestic machinery running smoothly.
9 It's only an experiment, John, and I want to try it for your sake as much as for mine, because I've neglected you shamefully lately, and I'm going to make home what it used to be, if I can.
10 Jo caught a bad cold through neglect to cover the shorn head enough, and was ordered to stay at home till she was better, for Aunt March didn't like to hear people read with colds in their heads.
11 She sent loving messages to Amy, bade them tell her mother that she would write soon, and often begged for pencil and paper to try to say a word, that Father might not think she had neglected him.
12 Like bees swarming after their queen, mother and daughters hovered about Mr. March the next day, neglecting everything to look at, wait upon, and listen to the new invalid, who was in a fair way to be killed by kindness.
13 Jo uttered a groan and fell back in her chair, remembering that she had given a last hasty powdering to the berries out of one of the two boxes on the kitchen table, and had neglected to put the milk in the refrigerator.
14 And Amy, in her exile, longed eagerly to be at home, that she might work for Beth, feeling now that no service would be hard or irksome, and remembering, with regretful grief, how many neglected tasks those willing hands had done for her.
15 No pins were ever stuck into their cotton vitals, no harsh words or blows were ever given them, no neglect ever saddened the heart of the most repulsive, but all were fed and clothed, nursed and caressed with an affection which never failed.
16 He was moody, irritable, and pensive by turns, lost his appetite, neglected his dress and devoted much time to playing tempestuously on his piano, avoided Jo, but consoled himself by staring at her from his window, with a tragic face that haunted her dreams by night and oppressed her with a heavy sense of guilt by day.