NOBLE in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Hamlet by William Shakespeare
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 Current Search - noble in Hamlet
1  That is Laertes, a very noble youth.
Hamlet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT V
2  Exchange forgiveness with me, noble Hamlet.
Hamlet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT V
3  Do not for ever with thy vailed lids Seek for thy noble father in the dust.
Hamlet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
4  The dram of evil Doth all the noble substance often doubt To his own scandal.
Hamlet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
5  If it assume my noble father's person, I'll speak to it, though hell itself should gape And bid me hold my peace.
Hamlet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
6  And so have I a noble father lost, A sister driven into desperate terms, Whose worth, if praises may go back again, Stood challenger on mount of all the age For her perfections.
Hamlet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT IV
7  Now must your conscience my acquittance seal, And you must put me in your heart for friend, Sith you have heard, and with a knowing ear, That he which hath your noble father slain Pursu'd my life.
Hamlet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT IV
8  My honour'd lord, you know right well you did, And with them words of so sweet breath compos'd As made the things more rich; their perfume lost, Take these again; for to the noble mind Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.
Hamlet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT III
9  Tis given out that, sleeping in my orchard, A serpent stung me; so the whole ear of Denmark Is by a forged process of my death Rankly abus'd; but know, thou noble youth, The serpent that did sting thy father's life Now wears his crown.
Hamlet By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I