1 Everyone was very kind to me, especially the officers.
2 Excuse me, I was looking for the Weekly Volcano office.
3 No, thank you, except call at the office, if you'll be so kind, dear.
4 Many wise and true sermons are preached us every day by unconscious ministers in street, school, office, or home.
5 Brooke is commander in chief, I am commissary general, the other fellows are staff officers, and you, ladies, are company.
6 How they laughed when the secret came out, never dreaming how many love letters that little post office would hold in the years to come.
7 was a capital little institution, and flourished wonderfully, for nearly as many queer things passed through it as through the real post office.
8 Jo, with perfect faith in her own powers and a friendly desire to make up the quarrel, immediately put a note in the office, inviting Laurie to dinner.
9 "Two letters for Doctor Jo, a book, and a funny old hat, which covered the whole post office and stuck outside," said Beth, laughing as she went into the study where Jo sat writing.
10 He knew that Jo wrote, and had met her down among the newspaper offices more than once, but as she never spoke of it, he asked no questions in spite of a strong desire to see her work.
11 So I got grandpa to say it was high time we did something, and off I pelted to the office yesterday, for the doctor looked sober, and Hannah most took my head off when I proposed a telegram.
12 Not only did he guess it by the fact that the second finger of her right hand was no longer inky, but she spent her evenings downstairs now, was met no more among newspaper offices, and studied with a dogged patience, which assured him that she was bent on occupying her mind with something useful, if not pleasant.
13 This much-enduring man had succeeded in banishing chewing gum after a long and stormy war, had made a bonfire of the confiscated novels and newspapers, had suppressed a private post office, had forbidden distortions of the face, nicknames, and caricatures, and done all that one man could do to keep half a hundred rebellious girls in order.