1 But there was one curious circumstance.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR 2 "If any one knows, it will be Lanyon," he had thought.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE 3 The problem he was thus debating as he walked, was one of a class that is rarely solved.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE 4 It chanced on one of these rambles that their way led them down a by-street in a busy quarter of London.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR 5 There is no other door, and nobody goes in or out of that one but, once in a great while, the gentleman of my adventure.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR 6 He was perfectly cool and made no resistance, but gave me one look, so ugly that it brought out the sweat on me like running.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR 7 We told the man we could and would make such a scandal out of this, as should make his name stink from one end of London to the other.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR 8 But he made straight for the door, crossing the roadway to save time; and as he came, he drew a key from his pocket like one approaching home.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE 9 Well, but since we have touched upon this business, and for the last time I hope," continued the doctor, "there is one point I should like you to understand.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER DR. JEKYLL WAS QUITE AT EASE 10 He was austere with himself; drank gin when he was alone, to mortify a taste for vintages; and though he enjoyed the theatre, had not crossed the doors of one for twenty years.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR 11 All at once, I saw two figures: one a little man who was stumping along eastward at a good walk, and the other a girl of maybe eight or ten who was running as hard as she was able down a cross street.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR 12 Two doors from one corner, on the left hand going east, the line was broken by the entry of a court; and just at that point, a certain sinister block of building thrust forward its gable on the street.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR 13 Well, sir, the two ran into one another naturally enough at the corner; and then came the horrible part of the thing; for the man trampled calmly over the child's body and left her screaming on the ground.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR 14 Tramps slouched into the recess and struck matches on the panels; children kept shop upon the steps; the schoolboy had tried his knife on the mouldings; and for close on a generation, no one had appeared to drive away these random visitors or to repair their ravages.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER STORY OF THE DOOR 15 A FORTNIGHT later, by excellent good fortune, the doctor gave one of his pleasant dinners to some five or six old cronies, all intelligent, reputable men and all judges of good wine; and Mr. Utterson so contrived that he remained behind after the others had departed.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER DR. JEKYLL WAS QUITE AT EASE 16 I believe you fully; I would trust you before any man alive, ay, before myself, if I could make the choice; but indeed it isn't what you fancy; it is not so bad as that; and just to put your good heart at rest, I will tell you one thing: the moment I choose, I can be rid of Mr. Hyde.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER DR. JEKYLL WAS QUITE AT EASE 17 And still the figure had no face by which he might know it; even in his dreams, it had no face, or one that baffled him and melted before his eyes; and thus it was that there sprang up and grew apace in the lawyer's mind a singularly strong, almost an inordinate, curiosity to behold the features of the real Mr. Hyde.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContextHighlight In CHAPTER SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE Your search result may include more than 17 sentences. If you upgrade to a VIP account, you will see up to 500 sentences for one search.