1 Man is the only real enemy we have.
2 Man is the only creature that consumes without producing.
3 Benjamin was the only animal who did not side with either faction.
4 He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves.
5 He was running as only a pig can run, but the dogs were close on his heels.
6 After only a moment or two they gave up trying to defend themselves and took to their heels.
7 When asked whether he was not happier now that Jones was gone, he would say only "Donkeys live a long time."
8 They dashed straight for Snowball, who only sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaws.
9 And thereafter, he declared, so much labour would be saved that the animals would only need to work three days a week.
10 There were only four dissentients, the three dogs and the cat, who was afterwards discovered to have voted on both sides.
11 The dogs had suddenly caught sight of them, and it was only by a swift dash for their holes that the rats saved their lives.
12 However, this was only a light skirmishing manoeuvre, intended to create a little disorder, and the men easily drove the geese off with their sticks.
13 And when the others came back from looking for her, it was to find that the stable-lad, who in fact was only stunned, had already recovered and made off.
14 Many years ago, when I was a little pig, my mother and the other sows used to sing an old song of which they knew only the tune and the first three words.
15 Napoleon was a large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker, but with a reputation for getting his own way.
16 He took them up into a loft which could only be reached by a ladder from the harness-room, and there kept them in such seclusion that the rest of the farm soon forgot their existence.
17 The advantage of only having to feed themselves, and not having to support five extravagant human beings as well, was so great that it would have taken a lot of failures to outweigh it.
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