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Anna Karenina 1By Leo Tolstoy ContextHighlight In PART 1: Chapter 25
2 His room was cold, but he was oppressed by heat.
Anna Karenina 2By Leo Tolstoy ContextHighlight In PART 4: Chapter 14
3 Her only desire now was to be rid of his oppressive presence.
Anna Karenina 2By Leo Tolstoy ContextHighlight In PART 4: Chapter 20
4 Reason discovered the struggle for existence, and the law that requires us to oppress all who hinder the satisfaction of our desires.
Anna Karenina 3By Leo Tolstoy ContextHighlight In PART 8: Chapter 12
5 "Come now, let us talk of you," she added, tossing her head, as though she would physically shake off something superfluous oppressing her.
Anna Karenina 1By Leo Tolstoy ContextHighlight In PART 1: Chapter 18
6 But Vronsky gazed at him exactly as he did at the lamp, and the young man made a wry face, feeling that he was losing his self-possession under the oppression of this refusal to recognize him as a person.
Anna Karenina 1By Leo Tolstoy ContextHighlight In PART 1: Chapter 31
7 She felt her eyes opening wider and wider, her fingers and toes twitching nervously, something within oppressing her breathing, while all shapes and sounds seemed in the uncertain half-light to strike her with unaccustomed vividness.
Anna Karenina 1By Leo Tolstoy ContextHighlight In PART 1: Chapter 29